For the last five years I have not been able to test out weird rules like I did in the half decade preceding this last. For the last two years my intermittent location and gainful employment have failed to produce any sort of Walden's Pond phenomena. Progress on the naciente websites such as Giant Ketchup and Complete SRD has been all but nil. Social media blips are fairly easy to maintain, even from a mobile or public computer. Without a production environment designed with the production goals in mind building things can be extremely slow. Like building a car in your living room. It can work, and things have happened. Nonetheless I am busy cleaning up the mess of my internet behavior and therefor unable to broadcast.
Ustream If You Shea Show ~buy my book~ Shea Reinke
Search and ye shall find Giant Ketchup! The point being that AskShea exists, if you shea show exists. The t shirt store does not, but you *can* buy a Nepa Ninja's mug online. Borrowing fifty gig off a friends pocket terrabyte for a day or two while I 'burn' ..burn? a DVD to use the factory reset option for this Lifebook. Would that I had the time to hack it. Hack hack hackity hack hack. I can, and have restored a laptop to full normal function in the past. Recovering the homepage is a simple reg edit, and while there are specialty softwares that could be necessary to remove spyware and whatever it is that is messing with the graphics card ..sigh.. I *can* also simply reset the system to factory default and then start replacing programs.
I will loose the two or three office suites that my father had installed on the machine, but that is most likely going to 'psuedo~mystically' :knock: protect him from accidentally violating his license restrictions for MS Office 2007, and WordPerfect 2002. Why I need these programs? Oh, wait! I don't. I actually see no reason to install open office. I can Google doc everything and ..while.. I *am* missing a few of the advanced options (and the onenote application which *is* the uber clipboard) I am *also* auto placing the data online and avoiding the annoyance of 'basically' borrowing someones data wallet, or loosing data barring some sort of apocalypse. I do not believe that Google (or its data) are going anywhere *any* time soon.
Oh how I wish I could go Ubuntu, but I have not been able confirm that Zynga and such will operate properly in a Ubuntu and ~ of course ~ Adobe no va onna Ubuntu. You can call me an Adobe snob, but I have a gorramit license for the software and I plan on using it...more accurately I have no desire to relearn the painting process in a different program like GIMP. Not that I am talking bad about GIMP, but it is a different animal (in this case a cyborg badge instead of a moon monkey, to be specific). I like my Photoshop CSV. I like my coffee black. I like my Winstons red, and my pencils number two wood with no eraser.....actually that is not true, I prefer the number six mechanical pencils with the pink erasers.....blink, moving on.
Actually I have no interest in going to Ubuntu. I play too many video games. Noooo! I didn't say that, well actually I *did* install CIV5 and played around with it. That may or may not get obliterated in the Factory Reset (well, I may or may not reinstall it) but I had quite the enjoyable time. All by my self staring at flickering lights that are artfully decorated to seem to hold the weight of the world. I brought mankind to a utopia through commerce and freedom. I conquered everybody that ever messed with me. I declared war on the entire eastern continent, and when the Japanese asked for peace before even firing one shot I agreed to allow their civilization to live independent within the Utopia project. I still built a nuclear device for each city they had on the board. I also returned the city that Genghis Khan had taken to them for no dinero. Near the end I was giving them trade goods and money and cities simply to get their opinion of me up. Never happened.
Where am I? Three hours left on the data transfer, then I have to pause. Hit the government offices because I have the no monies. For whatever reason it is impossible for Kansas boy to get through to someone on the phone. I am sure that it's a total mistake and coincidence, but that would be karma and the way my karma goes I would have to go into a building and ask someone why I am not getting free money for food. They ask 'do you have a job' and I say sorta. They say can you prove that and I say 'I don't know' how do you record driving drunk people home in their own cars as an independent contractor between multiple dispatch theaters? Is that even legal? Can I write that down? I mean, if you are debating whether to use your trust fund this month or keep it tied up in what have you, please avoid doing things under the table but I am looking to keep food passing from plate to mouth, and a sturdy object between me and the sky's rain wind and etc.
Its not that bad. I could live with my parents and mooch off of them until they die. Live country miles away from possible jobs so that I use their car to commute and basically expend more value than I can produce. I would have more time to write. I guess it is still my incumbent duty to report that I make something like 300 dollars a month driving drunk people home in their cars. The problem being is that they will then have the prerogative to ask me how that all works, and I certainly hope that saying 'I hang out at a bar and stop people that seem too drunk to drive. A couple of dancers, bartenders, and wait staff type people have my card. I assume that because they have insurance on their car and they signed this little paperwork deal that everything is cool right' ..getting huffy about how grand of a service I am providing the commonwealth is not ..exactly ..the 'way to go' if they do not like this idea. I am probably being entirely too overanalytical about this. It is not like other people are not out there doing it as well, then again they may or may not be the types to ask for SNAP benefits either. Heres shootin.
All in all, being kept way too busy with jobs too do allot of work webside is preferable. I am interacting with random people. I am seeing things and stuff. I am not sitting in a little room all alone writing this. Someone jest yelled hi at someone over a wall.....heh :smirk: I would like something more like what I had in Oregon. Day job, tech center. Met a new person everyday, learned something useful everyday, solved problems, and when I got home I could write something like a half a script of a superman movie over the weekend, (or, and I did this to no detriment two or three times during my three years of normal person life), take the day off because I had spent the entire night with something radical I had to put onto paper, or just promote on myspace and email radio shows for three hours with a bottle of whiskey. I did all three at various points. Most exciting thing to happen between 2005 and 2007 was SCA camping trips. I got allot of work done.
Ideally a recent business plan mailing hit home with the target. I get a sponsorship of somekind and I have a PR Tour to get working on. Day job be damned! Not that I don't like my day job, I simply have allot of stuff I could be working on. Enough so much that it would be preferable to have full time style employment to work on it. D&D is not a hobby to me. I mean, its a hobby, but what I am working on is not. I mean.....grrr. I am working at making D&D working, like umpire or referee.. mixed with a clown, and a singing telegram!
I looked at my fuzzy dice numbers pretty hard and I believe that I could make a rad little PR Tour Webshow for 200K. Thats nothing. No TV commercials. Nothing but talk and appearances. Hit Comedy Clubs if possible. Bars with DJs if not. Get as many 'drink specials' as you can out of contacts and facebook coupons. Find as many D&D outlets as possible and make sure they get shown or mentioned on the show. The rest is easy ~ answer every question the Host of the Talk Show asks. Do the geek thing with the hosts. Be topical and talk about things other than D&D. Then!
Theater Idea + Social Change caused by PR Tour = Profitable Concept and Yay Job!
I miss my Zynga
The palpable knowledge that my crops need to be unwhithered, I need to find the lost sheep, name my new city hall, there are burgers to serve! and there is treasure in them there isle!! Gaah! I have a plan you see. Wanna hear about it? Here it goes :lolz:
Start with a designed desktop. :dclick: the browser, zoom ~ all five launch.
The five songs play ruinously over each other. I check each one and turn off the music.
I begin with my lounge. Set up a dish rotation.
Move to the fields.. take care of that.. toolbar installed.
When the crops and kine are tended to, we head into town.
Checking on the dishes on the rotations.
When there is nothing else to do ~ its mountain time!
I am not certain if I would sit and watch me play Zynga for hours ..but something weird tells me that this is a great idea. My other lean is toward the Kingdoms of Camelot.

Nobody publicizes these kind of screencasts.. I wonder why ..tata ~ job interview.
Start with a designed desktop. :dclick: the browser, zoom ~ all five launch.
The five songs play ruinously over each other. I check each one and turn off the music.
I begin with my lounge. Set up a dish rotation.
Move to the fields.. take care of that.. toolbar installed.
When the crops and kine are tended to, we head into town.
Checking on the dishes on the rotations.
When there is nothing else to do ~ its mountain time!
I am not certain if I would sit and watch me play Zynga for hours ..but something weird tells me that this is a great idea. My other lean is toward the Kingdoms of Camelot.
Nobody publicizes these kind of screencasts.. I wonder why ..tata ~ job interview.
Angry Birds Lite!?
I just finished the WebOS preview of the award winning ¹ puzzle app Angry Birds by Rovio. Little sucker is fun. Hard! Kinda hard. I bet gets harder on the advanced levels. The game remindes me of a one player worms. You get ammunition esqu birds that have tricks. Exploding, rocketing, and more. You start from a fixed position and must destroy several targets. In this case cute green piglets who stole your eggs.
I got stumped at level four. Eight, eleven, and fourteen. I particularly like level : ² : 11. One of the helmeted pigs is in a basketball swoop shot. In my case I pulled a lucky shot and used a blue bird to, not only plink the punk in the chute, but also tilt the hook shot of a bastard up on the far edge of the screen. I approve of the golf like scoring with a one to three star rating when you pass each stage. When you succeed with birds/ammunition remaining you get 1000 extra red blue or etc points. You can destroy extra stuff to get extra points. Diamonds, trophys, and assorted special bricks. Each brick that stands in your eay that is destroyed is worth extra points as well. Completing eaxh level with a maximum clearage will take a bit of practice, even on the demo.
I beat the *demo, and now I am going to go back and beat it with three stars on each *evel!
I just finished the WebOS preview of the award winning ¹ puzzle app Angry Birds by Rovio. Little sucker is fun. Hard! Kinda hard. I bet gets harder on the advanced levels. The game remindes me of a one player worms. You get ammunition esqu birds that have tricks. Exploding, rocketing, and more. You start from a fixed position and must destroy several targets. In this case cute green piglets who stole your eggs.
I got stumped at level four. Eight, eleven, and fourteen. I particularly like level : ² : 11. One of the helmeted pigs is in a basketball swoop shot. In my case I pulled a lucky shot and used a blue bird to, not only plink the punk in the chute, but also tilt the hook shot of a bastard up on the far edge of the screen. I approve of the golf like scoring with a one to three star rating when you pass each stage. When you succeed with birds/ammunition remaining you get 1000 extra red blue or etc points. You can destroy extra stuff to get extra points. Diamonds, trophys, and assorted special bricks. Each brick that stands in your eay that is destroyed is worth extra points as well. Completing eaxh level with a maximum clearage will take a bit of practice, even on the demo.
I beat the *demo, and now I am going to go back and beat it with three stars on each *evel!
Shorter Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls V is preparing to release. I know nothing about it. What I can guess is that on November 11th 2011 ( 11-11-11 ) I will not be playing Skyrim ( TES V ) on my Palm Pré. The Pré has a 3D engine and several gigs of storage space to work with, but if I can buy TES V for this little gadget I will be astounded. I do hope that I will have a functional machine capable of handling TES V (and editor) by then. I look forward to it! I greatly enjoyed both Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrim looks ready to deliver! I anticipate seeing how the construction set performs as well. I adore the construction aspect of Bethesda games. Even if there *is a Palm Pre version of TES V there is no *way they plan on trying to release the construction set on the WebOS platform. There is just no way! The interface would be entierly too unwieldy. Too small. No mouse if Palm made a mouse/monitor I/O.. Now *theres* an idea!
The construction and mod community is a powerful element of the The Elder Scrolls community. The Elder Scrolls IV 'Oblivion' was amazingly successful in mods, from starry skies to beautiful bodies! Websites were built to collect and promote the phenomenal mods for Oblivion, as they had been for Morrowind. These sites have mostly combined at this juncture, as I am aware. I am certain sites, like tesnexus and planetelderscrolls, are already gearing up for this years release of TES V 'Skyrim' I wonder if there will be any leaks to the modev community? ..hopefully!
Another thing I know about TES V is that it will not be a multiplayer game. None of The Elder Scrolls games have been multiplayer to date. There is a way to build a multiplayer aspect into a TES V game, but bear with me. There are important elements to consider,
Rather than outline them allow me to solve for x. You guys take y. Arena Online. You could also go dream world online, and far lands online like Fable, but there it is ~ Arena Online. Same Engine different engine, doesn't matter. Character porting, that's important. Arena Online is *not* fair. Arena Online is *branded ..already. *A return to the roots of The Elder Scrolls!* Arena ..Arena Online. Roll it around in your mind. It's yummy. 'Hey I can port my old character save into the website?' bam playing an archmage from Oblivion vs a vetran warrior of Morrowind's fighters guild! You don't have storyline! You don't have time!? Fight! Win! Blood Makes the Grass Grow! Raaa!
~ you could make that for mah pre :blink: Shea.
The construction and mod community is a powerful element of the The Elder Scrolls community. The Elder Scrolls IV 'Oblivion' was amazingly successful in mods, from starry skies to beautiful bodies! Websites were built to collect and promote the phenomenal mods for Oblivion, as they had been for Morrowind. These sites have mostly combined at this juncture, as I am aware. I am certain sites, like tesnexus and planetelderscrolls, are already gearing up for this years release of TES V 'Skyrim' I wonder if there will be any leaks to the modev community? ..hopefully!
Another thing I know about TES V is that it will not be a multiplayer game. None of The Elder Scrolls games have been multiplayer to date. There is a way to build a multiplayer aspect into a TES V game, but bear with me. There are important elements to consider,
Rather than outline them allow me to solve for x. You guys take y. Arena Online. You could also go dream world online, and far lands online like Fable, but there it is ~ Arena Online. Same Engine different engine, doesn't matter. Character porting, that's important. Arena Online is *not* fair. Arena Online is *branded ..already. *A return to the roots of The Elder Scrolls!* Arena ..Arena Online. Roll it around in your mind. It's yummy. 'Hey I can port my old character save into the website?' bam playing an archmage from Oblivion vs a vetran warrior of Morrowind's fighters guild! You don't have storyline! You don't have time!? Fight! Win! Blood Makes the Grass Grow! Raaa!
~ you could make that for mah pre :blink: Shea.
On and about The Elder Scrolls!
Elder Scrolls V is preparing to release. I know nothing about it. What I can guess is that on November 11th 2011 ( 11-11-11 ) I will not be playing Skyrm ( TES V ) on my Palm Pre. The Pre has a 3D engine and several gigs of storage space to work with, but if I can buy TES V for this little gadget I will be astounded. I do hope that I will have a functional laptop capable of handling TES V by then. I look forward to it! I greatly enjoyed both Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrm looks ready to deliver! I anticipate seeing how the construction set performs as well. I adore the construction aspect of Bethesda games. Even if there *is a Palm Pre version of TES V there is no *way they plan on trying to release the construction set on the WebOS platform. There is just no way! The interface would be entierly too unwieldy. Too small. No mouse if Palm made a mouse/monitor I/O..
The construction and mod community is a powerful element of the The Elder Scrolls community. The Elder Scrolls IV 'Oblivion' was amazingly successful in mods. From starry skies to beautiful bodies. Websites were built to collect and promote the phenomenal mods for Oblivion, as they had been for Morrowind. These sites have mostly combined at this juncture, as I am aware. I am certain sites like, tesnexus and planetelderscrolls, are gearing up for this years release of TES V 'Skyrm' I wonder if there will be any leaks to the modev community? ..hopefully!j
Another thing I know about TES V is that it will not be a multiplayer game. None of The Elder Scrolls games have been multiplayer to date. There is a way to build a multiplayer aspect into a TES V game, but bear with me. There are important elements to consider,
Rather than outline them allow me to solve for x. You guys take y. Arena Online. You could also go dream world online, and far lands online like Fable, but there it is ~ Arena Online. Same Engine. Character porting, but different game. Arena Online is *not* fair. Arena Online is *branded ..already. *A return to the roots of The Elder Scrolls!* Arena ..Arena Online. Roll it around in your mind. It's yummy. 'Hey I can port my old character save into the website?' bam playing an archmage from Oblivion vs a vetran warrior of Morrowind's fighters guild! You don't have storyline! You don't have time! Fight! Win! Blood Makes the Grass Grow! Raaa!
~ you could make that for mah pre :blink: Shea.
The construction and mod community is a powerful element of the The Elder Scrolls community. The Elder Scrolls IV 'Oblivion' was amazingly successful in mods. From starry skies to beautiful bodies. Websites were built to collect and promote the phenomenal mods for Oblivion, as they had been for Morrowind. These sites have mostly combined at this juncture, as I am aware. I am certain sites like, tesnexus and planetelderscrolls, are gearing up for this years release of TES V 'Skyrm' I wonder if there will be any leaks to the modev community? ..hopefully!j
Another thing I know about TES V is that it will not be a multiplayer game. None of The Elder Scrolls games have been multiplayer to date. There is a way to build a multiplayer aspect into a TES V game, but bear with me. There are important elements to consider,
Rather than outline them allow me to solve for x. You guys take y. Arena Online. You could also go dream world online, and far lands online like Fable, but there it is ~ Arena Online. Same Engine. Character porting, but different game. Arena Online is *not* fair. Arena Online is *branded ..already. *A return to the roots of The Elder Scrolls!* Arena ..Arena Online. Roll it around in your mind. It's yummy. 'Hey I can port my old character save into the website?' bam playing an archmage from Oblivion vs a vetran warrior of Morrowind's fighters guild! You don't have storyline! You don't have time! Fight! Win! Blood Makes the Grass Grow! Raaa!
~ you could make that for mah pre :blink: Shea.
Who is Gameloft?
A french manufacturer of mobile app games, publisher of games such as the Asphalt series, has a port of Ubisoft's popular Assasin's Creed title. I just got done playing through Assassin's Creed Altair's Cronical published on the Palm® Prē WebOS Platform by Gameloft. Excellent.
The touch screen controller was smooth enought for me to whompam on templar soldiers with alacrity, on my second run through. I am amazed at what Gamelot has done with this title. I have watched and not played Assasin's Creed One and Two on both PC and Xbox, and was thrilled to find it available on my only reliable device. My Prē.
I can't get Cafeworld to run on my Prē, but I can play a 3D combat game that looks pretty much like the consol version!? What the duck? Srrsly. I hope to see another of these and I ask of them this; have the free demo be the 99 ninjas deal. Fun easy, no need to reveal the difficulties using the controls when running and jumping. I'm tellin ya'll, 99 ninjas. Other than that? I played through the adware free/lite version of the game on easy and hard. The only dif between them is the HP of the opponents.
I want a 99 ninjas version of this game!
Yes it is difficult to run and jump with the controls. Fighting is easy compared to getting used to the virtual dpad. I died a handful of time trying to figure out how to keep a strait ledge walk and get from stand still to run, in order to make the two big jumps in the lite version of the game. 99 Ninjas! :lol: The only thing to complain about with this magnificent game is also one of it's amazing accomplishments. Gameloft created a phenomenal digital touchpad directional pad that effectively works like a dpad on a consol controller. It's a little touchy.
The touch screen controller was smooth enought for me to whompam on templar soldiers with alacrity, on my second run through. I am amazed at what Gamelot has done with this title. I have watched and not played Assasin's Creed One and Two on both PC and Xbox, and was thrilled to find it available on my only reliable device. My Prē.
I can't get Cafeworld to run on my Prē, but I can play a 3D combat game that looks pretty much like the consol version!? What the duck? Srrsly. I hope to see another of these and I ask of them this; have the free demo be the 99 ninjas deal. Fun easy, no need to reveal the difficulties using the controls when running and jumping. I'm tellin ya'll, 99 ninjas. Other than that? I played through the adware free/lite version of the game on easy and hard. The only dif between them is the HP of the opponents.
I want a 99 ninjas version of this game!
Yes it is difficult to run and jump with the controls. Fighting is easy compared to getting used to the virtual dpad. I died a handful of time trying to figure out how to keep a strait ledge walk and get from stand still to run, in order to make the two big jumps in the lite version of the game. 99 Ninjas! :lol: The only thing to complain about with this magnificent game is also one of it's amazing accomplishments. Gameloft created a phenomenal digital touchpad directional pad that effectively works like a dpad on a consol controller. It's a little touchy.
Fun. Borderlands! is a first person shootem up, set in the realm of space colonization. The game has a snide sense of humor and four different characters to play through the game with ..twice.
You should not meet the level cap of 50 with any of the characters in the game. Rock, The Siren, The Hunter, and the Soldier. Each has a progression that will continue to build well into the second play through of the game. Most likely you will cap out your character's progression right about three fourths of the way through the second run and meet the final boss with a hoss (but not all powerful) character. Of course the Scags and Raiders raise in power to meet yours throughout. Similar to Final Fantasy 8 and 9, I think.. hmm, been awhile since I played FF.
Somebody online said that Borderlands! is a "loot-driven first-person shooter" and I agree!
Boom! Boom! I like the acid shotgun for shooting Tarantella in the dome!
Mumbling about Fable.
:put::put: I like the Fable series by Lionhead. I have played one, two, and three now. I ponder how the entire play will unfold as the project comes to an end. what is the meta stable storyline. to a certain extent the designers of the scenarios must have a tacit idea of what is 'actually' occuring. does the hero of three sacrifice their companion or if the hero of two was a boy or a girl. the storyline of the three outright states this to be the case. Sparrow was a boy. there are certain predetermined narratives. the interesting element in that is thusly.
Devience from the primary path of the plot should have more and more absurd complications. maintaining a path mentality in a diverse path system should be encouraged by recognition.
Devience from the primary path of the plot should have more and more absurd complications. maintaining a path mentality in a diverse path system should be encouraged by recognition.
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