Shorter Elder Scrolls

Elder Scrolls V is preparing to release. I know nothing about it. What I can guess is that on November 11th 2011 ( 11-11-11 ) I will not be playing Skyrim ( TES V ) on my Palm Pré. The Pré has a 3D engine and several gigs of storage space to work with, but if I can buy TES V for this little gadget I will be astounded. I do hope that I will have a functional machine capable of handling TES V (and editor) by then. I look forward to it! I greatly enjoyed both Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrim looks ready to deliver! I anticipate seeing how the construction set performs as well. I adore the construction aspect of Bethesda games. Even if there *is a Palm Pre version of TES V there is no *way they plan on trying to release the construction set on the WebOS platform. There is just no way! The interface would be entierly too unwieldy. Too small. No mouse if Palm made a mouse/monitor I/O.. Now *theres* an idea!
The construction and mod community is a powerful element of the The Elder Scrolls community. The Elder Scrolls IV 'Oblivion' was amazingly successful in mods, from starry skies to beautiful bodies! Websites were built to collect and promote the phenomenal mods for Oblivion, as they had been for Morrowind. These sites have mostly combined at this juncture, as I am aware. I am certain sites, like tesnexus and planetelderscrolls, are already gearing up for this years release of TES V 'Skyrim' I wonder if there will be any leaks to the modev community? ..hopefully!
Another thing I know about TES V is that it will not be a multiplayer game. None of The Elder Scrolls games have been multiplayer to date. There is a way to build a multiplayer aspect into a TES V game, but bear with me. There are important elements to consider,
Rather than outline them allow me to solve for x. You guys take y. Arena Online. You could also go dream world online, and far lands online like Fable, but there it is ~ Arena Online. Same Engine different engine, doesn't matter. Character porting, that's important. Arena Online is *not* fair. Arena Online is *branded ..already. *A return to the roots of The Elder Scrolls!* Arena ..Arena Online. Roll it around in your mind. It's yummy. 'Hey I can port my old character save into the website?' bam playing an archmage from Oblivion vs a vetran warrior of Morrowind's fighters guild! You don't have storyline! You don't have time!? Fight! Win! Blood Makes the Grass Grow! Raaa!
~ you could make that for mah pre :blink: Shea.

On and about The Elder Scrolls!

Elder Scrolls V is preparing to release. I know nothing about it. What I can guess is that on November 11th 2011 ( 11-11-11 ) I will not be playing Skyrm ( TES V ) on my Palm Pre. The Pre has a 3D engine and several gigs of storage space to work with, but if I can buy TES V for this little gadget I will be astounded. I do hope that I will have a functional laptop capable of handling TES V by then. I look forward to it! I greatly enjoyed both Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrm looks ready to deliver! I anticipate seeing how the construction set performs as well. I adore the construction aspect of Bethesda games. Even if there *is a Palm Pre version of TES V there is no *way they plan on trying to release the construction set on the WebOS platform. There is just no way! The interface would be entierly too unwieldy. Too small. No mouse if Palm made a mouse/monitor I/O..
The construction and mod community is a powerful element of the The Elder Scrolls community. The Elder Scrolls IV 'Oblivion' was amazingly successful in mods. From starry skies to beautiful bodies. Websites were built to collect and promote the phenomenal mods for Oblivion, as they had been for Morrowind. These sites have mostly combined at this juncture, as I am aware. I am certain sites like, tesnexus and planetelderscrolls, are gearing up for this years release of TES V 'Skyrm' I wonder if there will be any leaks to the modev community? ..hopefully!j
Another thing I know about TES V is that it will not be a multiplayer game. None of The Elder Scrolls games have been multiplayer to date. There is a way to build a multiplayer aspect into a TES V game, but bear with me. There are important elements to consider,
Rather than outline them allow me to solve for x. You guys take y. Arena Online. You could also go dream world online, and far lands online like Fable, but there it is ~ Arena Online. Same Engine. Character porting, but different game. Arena Online is *not* fair. Arena Online is *branded ..already. *A return to the roots of The Elder Scrolls!* Arena ..Arena Online. Roll it around in your mind. It's yummy. 'Hey I can port my old character save into the website?' bam playing an archmage from Oblivion vs a vetran warrior of Morrowind's fighters guild! You don't have storyline! You don't have time! Fight! Win! Blood Makes the Grass Grow! Raaa!
~ you could make that for mah pre :blink: Shea.

Who is Gameloft?

A french manufacturer of mobile app games, publisher of games such as the Asphalt series, has a port of Ubisoft's popular Assasin's Creed title. I just got done playing through Assassin's Creed Altair's Cronical published on the Palm® Prē WebOS Platform by Gameloft. Excellent.
The touch screen controller was smooth enought for me to whompam on templar soldiers with alacrity, on my second run through. I am amazed at what Gamelot has done with this title. I have watched and not played Assasin's Creed One and Two on both PC and Xbox, and was thrilled to find it available on my only reliable device. My Prē.
I can't get Cafeworld to run on my Prē, but I can play a 3D combat game that looks pretty much like the consol version!? What the duck? Srrsly. I hope to see another of these and I ask of them this; have the free demo be the 99 ninjas deal. Fun easy, no need to reveal the difficulties using the controls when running and jumping. I'm tellin ya'll, 99 ninjas. Other than that? I played through the adware free/lite version of the game on easy and hard. The only dif between them is the HP of the opponents.
I want a 99 ninjas version of this game!
Yes it is difficult to run and jump with the controls. Fighting is easy compared to getting used to the virtual dpad. I died a handful of time trying to figure out how to keep a strait ledge walk and get from stand still to run, in order to make the two big jumps in the lite version of the game. 99 Ninjas! :lol: The only thing to complain about with this magnificent game is also one of it's amazing accomplishments. Gameloft created a phenomenal digital touchpad directional pad that effectively works like a dpad on a consol controller. It's a little touchy.


Fun. Borderlands! is a first person shootem up, set in the realm of space colonization. The game has a snide sense of humor and four different characters to play through the game with ..twice.

You should not meet the level cap of 50 with any of the characters in the game. Rock, The Siren, The Hunter, and the Soldier. Each has a progression that will continue to build well into the second play through of the game. Most likely you will cap out your character's progression right about three fourths of the way through the second run and meet the final boss with a hoss (but not all powerful) character. Of course the Scags and Raiders raise in power to meet yours throughout. Similar to Final Fantasy 8 and 9, I think.. hmm, been awhile since I played FF.

Somebody online said that Borderlands! is a "loot-driven first-person shooter" and I agree!

Boom! Boom! I like the acid shotgun for shooting Tarantella in the dome!